Updated as of January 2024

Why is I-EDIAA Important? 

Given the ongoing challenges at Queen's University in fully realizing equity, diversity, inclusion, accessibility, and anti-racism (I-EDIAA), student clubs and organizations hold a pivotal responsibility in contributing to a more equitable campus culture. Their role is particularly significant considering the university's historical and systemic barriers to full inclusivity. Here's why prioritizing I-EDIAA is essential for clubs at Queen's University:

1.    Filling the Gaps: While the university is making strides in I-EDIAA, there are still gaps in its execution and impact. Clubs have the agility and direct student connection to address issues that institutional policies might overlook or be slow to respond to.

2.    Student-Led Change: As student-run entities, clubs are uniquely positioned to reflect and advocate for the student body's diverse needs and perspectives. They can be more responsive to the evolving dynamics of student experiences and concerns related to equity and inclusion.

3.    Cultural and Social Influence: Clubs often shape the social and cultural landscape of the university. By prioritizing I-EDIAA, they can set standards for inclusivity and respect within the student community, influencing attitudes and behaviors beyond their immediate membership.

4.    Role Modeling: By actively incorporating I-EDIAA principles, clubs can lead by example, demonstrating to the wider university community how to effectively embed these values in everyday practices and interactions.

5.    Creating Inclusive Spaces: Clubs have the opportunity to create safe and inclusive spaces for marginalized students, offering support, community, and a platform for voices that might otherwise be marginalized or unheard in larger campus settings.

6.    Complicity vs. Action: Inaction or passive compliance with the status quo contributes to the perpetuation of systemic inequities. By actively working towards I-EDIAA goals, clubs move from being potentially complicit in systemic issues to being active agents of change.

7.    Holistic Education: Part of the university experience is learning to navigate and appreciate a diverse society. Clubs that prioritize I-EDIAA contribute to this aspect of education, preparing students for respectful and inclusive engagement in increasingly diverse global contexts.

8.    Accountability and Continuous Improvement: By setting and pursuing specific I-EDIAA goals, clubs can hold themselves and the university accountable for making tangible progress. This includes regular self-assessment and adjustments to ensure that their activities and policies are effectively promoting equity and inclusion.

Given these points, clubs at Queen's University, including the Vogue Charity Fashion Show, have more than just an opportunity—they have a responsibility to actively work towards a more equitable and inclusive campus. Their efforts can significantly influence the university's culture, fostering an environment where every student feels valued, respected, and supported. In our pursuit to create a more inclusive and representative community, we have set forth actionable I-EDIAA goals that relate to each of the major portfolios within our club. By publicly announcing these goals, we hold ourselves accountable to being not just vocal advocates but also active implementers of change within our club and the wider Queen’s community.


Understanding the Application Process

Delve into the specifics of the charity application process. This includes grasping the format of the application and determining the necessary information to be provided, with a particular focus on identifying charities that align with Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, and Intersectionality (EDII) principles.

Identifying Charities with EDII Values

Investigate avenues to uncover lesser-known charities that demonstrate a commitment to EDII values. Encourage members of the executive team to propose potential charities for consideration, ensuring a diverse range of options.

Collaborative Charity Identification

In the early stages of charity selection, consider forming partnerships with other campus groups or local organizations in Kingston, such as Levana or the Yellow House. These collaborations can offer valuable insights and broaden the scope of potential charity candidates.


Creative Team Initiatives:

Theme Development with an Equity Focus

As the Creative team develops themes, they will prioritize addressing equity issues relevant to students and globally. This includes themes focused on sustainability, like 'Artem Terrae', and body positivity, such as 'Love My Way' in 'I Saw You In A Dream'.

Cultural Representation in Dance and Music

Strive to enhance cultural representation by incorporating diverse dance forms, for example, those from QISA, and actively reaching out to various dance groups. Also, introduce songs in different languages to foster linguistic diversity.

I-EDIAA Team's Role:

Active Participation in Photoshoots

The I-EDIAA team should be a supportive presence at photoshoots, ensuring the integration of I-EDIAA principles in all aspects of the process.

Authority to Uphold VCFS Values

Empower the I-EDIAA team with the authority to veto any of Creative's ideas or concepts that may conflict with VCFS's core values.

Promoting a Comfortable and Supportive Environment

Focus on creating an environment where everyone feels comfortable and supported. This includes careful selection of music from artists who resonate with the organization's values and steering clear of controversial figures.

Collaborations for Diversity and Inclusivity

Foster collaborations with other clubs for workshops and continue to enhance musical diversity, including the use of backtracks in various languages.

Model Comfort with Outfits

Pay attention to any discomfort models may experience with their outfits, ensuring all activities are conducted with the utmost respect and inclusivity.


Accessibility in Lingerie Scene

Implement a year-long feedback form to gather input on comfort with specific movements and abilities, addressing any concerns and develop choreography that ensures equitable representation of all individuals in the scene.

Inclusive Hiring Practices for Models

Collaborate with I-EDIAA, Public Relations, and Marketing to create hiring graphics that promote equal opportunities.

Cultural Integration in Model Portfolio

Partner with I-DEIAA to explore collaboration opportunities with the QBFA president, aiming for portfolio-wide integration, not limited to a single scene.

Pre-Photoshoot Preparation

Book rooms in advance for models to try on outfits, ensuring comfort and confidence, in coordination with the Head of Logistics and Head of Clothing.

LGBTQ+ Pride Promotion

Regularly post on LGBTQ+ recognition days. Provide a platform for Queen’s Yellow House. Organize events that highlight, recognize, or celebrate LGBTQ+ members.

Cross-Portfolio Integration

Foster lasting change by including MUAH, Design, and Photography portfolios in model socials. Maintain frequent communication with heads of these portfolios for better collaboration. Emphasize the importance of this collaboration in the transition manual.

Diverse Representation in Model Portfolio

By including more plus-sized models this year, inspire a broader range of body types to participate in future years, making the portfolio more representative. Challenge existing beauty standards and empower individuals of all sizes by showcasing diverse body types in shoots and social media promotions.


Enhanced Lighting Techniques for Diverse Skin Tones

Invest in lighting equipment and photographic techniques tailored to capture different skin tones effectively. This may involve allocating budget for specialized photography products.

Diverse Expertise in Photography Team

Prioritize diversity in hiring photographers with experience in shooting a variety of skin tones and backgrounds.

Curly Hair Workshop Collaboration

Plan a workshop focused on curly hair styling, potentially in collaboration with outreach programs and QBFA.

Makeup Supplies Assessment

Evaluate the current supply of makeup and set goals to enhance the collection, in collaboration with the finance team.

Personalized Makeup Preparation

Encourage models to bring their own base makeup. Create a form to understand each model's specific makeup needs and preferences.


Multilingual Music Representation

Incorporate songs in various languages and emphasize involving artists from marginalized communities, although not exclusively.

Outreach to Diverse Campus Groups

Actively engage with diverse groups on campus, inviting their involvement and auditioning members, especially from equity-focused groups like Jam for Justice.

Collaboration with Campus Associations

Foster the relationship with QBAS through events like open mic nights that promote equity. Continue organizing events like Couchella with cozy, acoustic vibes, coordinating with videography and editing teams.

Music Collaborations for Cultural Representation

Explore collaborations with cultural groups, which may have classically trained singers in traditional music.

Portfolio Cultural Focus

Implement an internal anonymous feedback form and regular check-ins to ensure an inclusive process and address concerns. More frequent check-ins can help understand and mitigate any issues.

Hiring Scene Directors

Appoint scene directors to help mitigate conflicts and ensure smooth operations.

Cultural Representation in Music

Consider establishing a cultural segment like dance showcases. This could include a wider range of music genres, incorporating cultural instruments, hip hop, rap, etc.

Musician Feedback and Collaboration

Develop a musician feedback form. Ensure venues for music collaborations are accessible. Check in with musicians before and after VCFS-wide socials to gauge comfort levels.

Adherence to Hiring Policies

Follow the hiring policy as per the new constitution, acknowledging power, privilege, bias, and conflict of interest.

Advocacy for Musicians

Support and advocate for musicians, especially in conflicts involving executive members or other issues.

Expanding Opportunities

Provide as many opportunities as reasonably possible to a diverse range of musicians.


EDII-Aligned Music Selection

Choose music that reflects the values of Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, and Intersectionality, particularly for significant scenes like the lingerie choreography.

Inclusive Social Event Management

Actively work to make social events welcoming and non-exclusive. Utilize your position to integrate everyone, ensuring events are inclusive and comfortable for all, with a variety of activities not solely centered around alcohol.

Ongoing Feedback Mechanism

Implement feedback forms throughout the year to continuously gauge and address concerns related to inclusivity and comfort.

EDII Involvement in Dance

Increase EDII team's involvement in dance aspects, especially in resolving interpersonal issues. Seek approval for specific choices, like hip hop dance styles, to ensure cultural sensitivity.

Diverse Recruitment for Dance

Actively reach out to clubs and other outreach programs for diverse dance recruitment, focusing on individual-level diversity and inclusivity.

Prioritizing Dancers from Equity-Deserving Groups

Give priority to dancers belonging to equity-deserving groups to reduce exclusivity and ensure marginalized communities feel comfortable and represented.

Cultural and International Dance Inclusion

Emphasize the inclusion and integration of cultural or international dances and dancers within the larger group, ensuring they are not isolated but are an integral part of the overall performance.

Portfolio Integration

Work towards greater integration between all portfolios, including dance, model, music, etc., to foster a more cohesive and inclusive environment.


QBFA Partnership

Strengthen outreach efforts, particularly with organizations like QBFA.

Feedback Process Development

Implement a feedback system where Models can list three design aspects they like and three they dislike, to better understand preferences and improve future designs.

Pre-Selection Moodboard and Design Submission

Require submission of past designs before model theme selection and create a comprehensive moodboard. This will help models make more informed choices about their preferred themes.

Queen’s Fashion Collaborative Coalition

Continue to build and strengthen the coalition for a more integrated fashion community.

Model Comfort in Clothing Selection

Repeat last year's successful strategy: use a Google Form to collect information on models' comfort levels and specific clothing needs. Allow models who have special requirements to preview sketches in advance to ensure their needs are met. Prioritize addressing comfort issues during clothing trials.

Reworking First Model Fitting

Organize the first model fitting with pre-booked slots to streamline the process and reduce wait times.

Advance Sketch Distribution

Ensure every model receives their clothing sketch in advance for better preparation and input.

Private Model Measurements

Make the model measurement process more private to respect personal comfort and confidentiality.


Ensure Accessibility

Ensure that physical accessibility requirements are thoroughly addressed for both the audience and performers. This includes considering factors such as light sensitivity, audio sensitivity, and other similar needs to create an inclusive and comfortable environment for everyone.


Celebrating Diversity through Special Days

Compile a calendar of culturally significant days, including those that raise awareness about EDII and recognize marginalized groups. Use social media to highlight these days, celebrating the diversity at Queen’s University.

Building Partnerships with EDII and QTBIPOC Groups

Forge partnerships with EDII-focused and QTBIPOC organizations at Queen’s. Regularly share their content and collaborate on hosting events.

Maintaining an Updated EDII Section on the Website

Keep the EDII section of the website regularly updated, ensuring it reflects ongoing initiatives and progress.

Tracking Progress with Metrics

Implement a system to track metrics related to both short-term and long-term goals, enabling a clear view of progress in EDII efforts at Queen’s.


Promoting a Collaborative Atmosphere

Move away from a competitive mindset with other clubs to create a more inclusive and welcoming environment. Foster a sense of unity and mutual support.

Active Engagement with Other Groups

Consistently share posts from other groups, reciprocating their support. Build relationships by attending events of other clubs, promoting a united front and acceptance within our events.

Sponsorship and Mutual Support

Implement a reciprocal ticket exchange program with other clubs. Offer our photography services to them and highlight these collaborations on our social media platforms.

Prioritizing EDII in Events

Ensure EDII remains a focal point in all events. Collaborate with diverse clubs and actively listen to the Queens community for their suggestions and criticisms.

Removing Competitive Barriers

Work towards eliminating any sense of competition between VCFS and other clubs, focusing instead on cooperative efforts.

Spotlight on Equity-Driven Clubs

Use our platform and campus presence to highlight other clubs engaged in equity work. Share our resources and visibility to support their initiatives.

Event Attendance and Engagement Monitoring

Track attendance at events not just quantitatively but qualitatively, ensuring people are actively participating in causes we support.

Collaboration with Marketing

Work closely with the marketing team to evaluate our promotional strategies (e.g., number of posts, marketing duration, resource utilization) and encourage content sharing.

Enhancing Accessibility and Inclusion

Remove financial barriers to our events by organizing draws for free tickets.

Local Community Engagement

Collaborate with small businesses in Kingston, especially those owned by marginalized communities. Consider partnerships with organizations like Yellowhouse.

Leveraging the General Executive Team

Utilize the general executive team (including socials, events, sponsorships, etc.) to maintain open communication and collaboration with other portfolios, utilizing our cast and crew effectively.


Financial Accessibility

Expand financial assistance for club members to ensure that the club is financially accessible to everyone, regardless of their economic background.


Early Inclusion of Interns in Executive Activities

Focus on integrating interns into the executive team from the beginning of the year, fostering a sense of belonging and participation.

Inclusive Social Events

Ensure our social events cater to all preferences by including fun and enjoyable non-alcoholic beverage options, promoting an inclusive atmosphere for everyone.

Ongoing Intern Inclusivity

Continuously improve the integration of interns into the team. This includes organizing weekly meetings, an initial meeting for introductions, and social events with the executive team to solidify their sense of inclusion and community.

Sustaining Inclusivity for Future Interns

Aim to create a lasting inclusive culture within the organization that benefits not only current interns but also sets a welcoming precedent for future executive interns.